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Auszug aus dem Katalog Produktportfolio.

Product portfolio REGLOPLAS. Intelligent Temperature Control. Product portfolio 01 04-05 Regloplas - Your partner for intelligent temperature control 02 06-07 Your advantage – cross-platform communication with Ethernet, WIFI and OPC UA The new Regloplas control system RT200 for Smart Factory 03 08-09 Regloplas product portfolio. Offering a wide range of standard products Plus custom solutions for individual needs 04 10-25 Regloplas temperature control units 04.10-13 Open bath water up to maximum 90 °C / 194 °F or oil up to 200 °C / 392 °F 04.14-21 Pressurised water 100 °C / 212 °F up to 230 °C / 446 °F and higher waterCare water treatment from 140 °C / 284 °F 04.22-25 High temperature oil 300 °C / 572 °F up to 350 °C / 662 °F 05 26-41 Regloplas temperature control solutions vario 05.26-29 vario water up to 200 °C / 392 °F and vario oil up to 300 °C / 572 °F coldWater up to 200 °C / 392 °F energyBattery up to 200 °C / 392 °F multiFlow 05.30-35 multiFlow compact water up to 200 °C / 392 °F and oil up to 350 °C / 662 °F multiFlow modular water up to 160 °C / 320 °F multiPulse 05.36-37 multiPulse water up to 160 °C / 320 °F jetPulse 05.38-41 jetPulse water core cooling and system components mulitJet, jetFlow and flowControl 06 42-45 Interfaces for Smart Factory. Regloplas. Leaders in custom interfaces 07 46-49 We are only supplier on the market with around 200 options. Regloplas options for numerous applications 08 50-51 Added value for your company. Energy-saving solutions for temperature control pay off 01 04-05 Regloplas - Your partner for intelligent temperature control We make technological change possible We offer you progress and reliability with intelligent temperature control for the technological revolution. We've been by your side. Digitally networked. Fit for the future. Company Founded in 1961 Head office in Switzerland Leading on temperature control technology R&D and production at our Swiss site Represented in over 50 countries Know-how transfer in a global network Partners Machine manufacturers Regloplas agents Universities Sectors Industrial temperature control Industry end users Automotive Aircraft Medicine Food Packaging/thin films Toys & household items Electronics & electrical Confectionery industry ...and more Application technologies Die-casting Injection moulding Extrusion Metal/powder injection moulding Blow moulding/PET pre-forming High-pressure resin transfer injection moulding rubber injection press ...and more Your sales & service contact More than 50 agents worldwide Dedicated branches in USA, France, China and Germany Headquarters, Switzerland More than 60 years of Regloplas products. Consistently committed to our quality and the technological revolution, we are developing and producing temperature control units and temperature control solutions based on state-of-the-art technology at our site in Switzerland. We are therefore able to offer our customers optimum reliability for the temperature control of their industrial processes. Energy efficient and intelligent control. We are close to our customers. Thanks to valuable ongoing dialogue with our customers and our partners in research and development we are keeping the art of Swiss Engineering at the very highest level. Our customers benefit from individual advice from our established network of agents and experience in over 50 countries. Our certified experts around the world guarantee a top quality service for efficiency-optimised temperature control solutions. Intelligent temperature control is our mission Our mission is the optimisation of customised intelligent temperature control technology with simultaneously efficient and environmentally-conscious handling of resources.

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