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Auszug aus dem Weissbuch Passiver Brandschutz

Cellulosic passive fire protection coatings Uncompromising safety. Unbeatable efficiency. Cellulosic passive fire protection Cellulosic passive fire protection Rest assured. We have everything covered. Intumescent coatings to protect assets, infrastructure and buildings during fire. Structural steelwork is one of the leading materials used in the design of the majority of the world’s infrastructure projects, from sports stadiums, airports and shopping malls to multi-storey office blocks and datacentres. Should fire occur in one of these buildings, unprotected steelwork can lose its integrity and strength in minutes. Applying a thin film intumescent coating from Hempel will ensure that your building, people and assets are protected for longer. Hempel’s cellulosic intumescent fire protection solutions are applied as a thin film coating. Designed to expand under fire conditions, they provide thermal insulation protection to steelwork for a given period of time. This helps the steel retain its load bearing capacity for longer, allowing additional time for building evacuation and emergency response – and giving you peace of mind that your building and assets, and people’s lives, are protected. Hempel’s cellulosic intumescent coating portfolio can cover any structural steelwork project. Our coatings offer the following benefits compared to similar products on the market: • Increased durability • Lower application costs • Higher application efficiency • Faster process times • Excellent aesthetic finish At Hempel, we don’t believe that increased safety should lower your productivity. All our intumescent coatings provide some of the fastest drying and completion times in the industry. They are also designed to minimise environmental impact. Our waterborne products are very low VOC and our efficient coatings systems use smaller volumes to reduce energy and waste. All this helps contribute to achieving credits in green and sustainable building standards, such as LEED® and BREEAM®. When it comes to fire protection, Hempel has you covered. 2 La Samaritaine Restoration (France) protected by Hempel intumescent coatings Front cover: Park of Poland - Wręcza, Poland protected by Hempel intumescent coatings 3 Cellulosic passive fire protection Cellulosic passive fire protection VTB Arena (Russia) protected by Hempel intumescent coatings Schiphol Airport - New Pier (The Netherlands) protected by Hempel intumescent coatings Advantages across the range for every project By talking with our customers, we gain a deeper understanding of their needs. This ensures that our coating solutions are always relevant and practical. Our established products, such as Hempacore One and Hempacore AQ, offer 30-120 minutes of fire protection to almost all section types and are still in global use after many years. Our new Hempafire product range ensures that we and our customers continue to develop and grow the passive fire protection market. Hempafire Pro 315 and Hempafire Pro 400 provide 60 minutes and 90 minutes of fire protection respectively, with unrivalled dry film thicknesses (DFTs). Hempafire Optima 500 offers 90 and 120 minutes of waterborne fire protection, with higher application efficiency and reduced VOC emissions to meet sustainability requirements. Our intumescent team offers global support to ensure that whatever or wherever your building is, our fire protection solutions are optimised, fit for purpose and suitable for all your project needs. We can also provide a full estimation and fire engineering service and bespoke project advice to ensure uncompromised asset protection at a lower total cost. 4 From the world’s most impressive stadiums to the tallest skyscrapers, our solutions are constantly relied upon to protect against fire and corrosion in difficult and challenging environments. Increase productivity with faster processes and fewer coats to apply Reduced complexity Critical to intumescent painting application, faster drying times give you shorter intervals before overcoating. When coupled with higher DFTs per coat, this allows you to deliver the required protection in fewer coats, reducing project times both on and off site. Having multiple products for different steel profiles increases project complexity. Our range includes one product solutions that can cover all profiles, from thin wall hollow sections to large open and cellular beams. This simplifies project execution and reduces the risk of incorrect application, maximising safety. “The main benefits we see for using Hempafire Pro 315 are the quicker drying times and the lower loadings it offers to get the fire protection. This means that we can overcoat with a sealer sooner, which means we get increased productivity. Hempafire Pro 315 covers all steel profiles so there is no need to carry more than one material.” Ashely Lowe, Commercial Director, Vale Protective Coatings Ltd, UK Our products help your teams and facilities deliver higher turnover and profitability. Lower loadings Reduce cost, mean less paint consumption and increase reduced material costs. Higher efficiency DFTs per coat mean less coats to apply and faster project completion. Combined, the benefits are significant. For project efficiency, Hempafire Pro 315 and Hempafire Pro 400’s exceptionally low loadings significantly reduce paint consumption compared to similar products. “Due to the lower loadings of Hempafire Pro 315, we can now use less paint resulting in quicker drying times. This is a big advantage to our business as it will improve our delivery times, reduce project delays and maximise our overall productivity and throughput.” Chief Executive Officer, Nanosteel S.A., Portugal Time is valuable. For maximum efficiency, products need to adapt to project conditions, not the other way around. That’s Ease of why we create robust solutions application that can be applied in a wide range of conditions. Combined with our comprehensive range of primers and topcoats, and the advice of our experts, we can help you find the perfect system for your needs – to save you time and ensure even the tightest project deadlines can be achieved. Hempafire Pro 315, Hempafire Pro 400 and Hempacore One, for example, can be applied anywhere, either in-shop or onsite, and in a wide range of temperatures and humidities, from Scandinavia to the Middle East and South East Asia. In addition, product application can be adjusted to maximise process speed and minimise application costs, giving you better efficiency all round. “By using Hempafire Pro 315 we secure the high-quality fire protection required whilst also benefiting from an efficient application process and low levels of repair onsite.” Torben Larsen, CEO, Give Steel A/S, Denmark Lasting performance, enhanced appearance Hempel’s intumescent protection coatings protect and beautify over the long-term. They provide optimal steel protection from fire and corrosion, and dry evenly to provide a superior finish in the most demanding scenarios. This extends your building’s lifetime, ensuring that its safety and appearance stand the test of time. Protection from corrosion, weather and fire is ensured by having a compatible system with the best primers, intumescent layers and topcoats. Our products are developed to withstand a variety of climatic and exposure conditions. They are tested according to the rigorous requirements of international standards and third-party certifications, including CE marking, Certifire and ApplusFire. Durability is a key element, tested accordingly in different types of accelerated weather and corrosion tests, and assessed through real exposure tests in different locations around the world. As every exposure condition has different technical requirements, our complete coatings range and advice of our experts ensure you get the most suitable solution for your project’s specific needs – the right protection without compromise, optimised for efficiency and with a high-quality finish that improves aesthetics on exposed steel. Our Hempacore and Hempafire products are proven in the field. Our intumescent systems have shown to maintain their aesthetics and corrosion resistance after many years in service – and, on occasions when fire has occurred, they have protected the steel structure as specified, helping safeguard both property and lives. “Without the protection of the intumescent coating (Hempacore One) the Fire Department believes that the structure would have collapsed. Thanks to this added protection the structure is in place and we can rebuild as good as new.” Gabriel, Owner, Raiz Bar, Ponta Delgada, Portugal 5

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Passiver Brandschutz

Passiver Brandschutz


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