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Auszug aus dem Katalog Functional Fillers for Elastomers

Functional ­fillers Neuburg Siliceous Earth Product information We supply material for good ideas Contents Products Products3 Separation process 6 Particle size distribution Sillitin | Sillikolloid | Silfit  8 Color neutrality Sillitin | Sillikolloid | Silfit Sillitin | Sillikolloid 9 Product characteristics Sillitin | Sillikolloid Standard products (natural, untreated fillers). Differ in brightness and particle size distribution. 10 Product characteristics Puriss 12 Product characteristics Aktisil 14 Created by a downstream process. The extremely low residue > 40 µm p­ articles is reduced even more and the dispersion properties are improved. CIELAB color values and functionalization Silfit | Aktifit  16 Aktisil Product characteristics  Silfit | Aktifit  18 Surface-treated products. Neuburg Siliceous Earth treated with additives. Packaging  20 Testing methods 22 Neuburg Siliceous Earth Morphology4 Puriss Silfit Calcined products based on Sillitin. A downstream thermal process gives the product additional application advantages as a functional filler. Wurzburg Aktifit Nuremberg An activated Silfit produced through surface treatment with special additives. Neuburg a. d. Donau Ingolstadt Regensburg Ulm Augsburg 2 Munich 3 Classic Neuburg Siliceous Earth is a ­natural combination of corpuscular Neuburg Silica and lamellar kaolinite: a loose mixture impossible to separate by physical methods. As a result of ­natural aging, the silica portion exhibits a round grain shape and ­consists of aggregated cryptocristalline primary par­ ticles of about 200 nm diameter. Such a unique structure is responsible for a ­relatively high specific surface area and oil absorption, which result, besides ­rheological activity, also in a whole range of application properties. Our calcined products Silfit and Aktifit are based on the standard product Sillitin Z 86. A thermal process is used to expel the crystalline water in the kaolinite portion and new mineral phases are formed p­ ractically amorphous. The silica portion remains inert at the temperature used. The resulting products have an out­standingly high degree of white and color neutrality. 1 µm 4 5 Neuburg Siliceous Earth Morphology

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Functional Fillers for Elastomers

Functional Fillers for Elastomers

XATICO Benelux-France Sàrl

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