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Auszug aus dem Katalog Fortschrittliche Temperaturkontrolle für die Kunststoffindustrie.

High performing across key processing methods. Advanced Temperature Control for the plastics industry. History 2023 | eMold 2024 REGLOPLAS strengthens its Asian market presence with on-site field service and business development 50 °C 2022 eMold 2023 Move-in to the Smart Factory with cutting-edge production environment in the east of St. Gallen 2022 Introduction of eMold, a versatile TCU for the plastics industry 2001 | 90S 65 °C 2021 Market launch of RT200 – Connectivity and unlimited interfaces 2001 90S 80°C 2018 Pressurized water units 230 °C / 446 °F The original. Since 1961. 4 Overview industry 6 Injection molding 8 Extrusion 10 Composite 11 Compounding 12 Product overview 14 Product details 14 Open bath water or oil 18 Pressurized water 26 High temperature oil 30 eMold S Series 32 vario system 36 multiFlow distributor systems 40 RT200 controller 2007 Founding of REGLOPLAS France 1983 | 150 2006 Opening of REGLOPLAS China 1983 150 REG LOP 2000 Establishment of REGLOPLAS USA LAS 1998 Founding of AIC | Regloplas Germany 1994 Pressurized water units 160 °C / 320 °F 1973 | 250KL 1983 150 water unit – segregation of electrical & mechanical systems, incorporation of wheels for enhanced mobility 1973 250KL RE G LO P LA 1973 250KL oil units up to 250 °C / 482 °F S 1961 | UT100 1972 First participation at Hannover Exhibition 1961 Initial REGLOPLAS Temperature Control Unit (TCU) – UT100 1961 UT100 RE GL OP LA S 1961 Established as «Herzog, Stieger, Baur & Co HESBA Technik, St. Gallen», rebranded REGLOPLAS AG in 1966 5 Precise temperature control optimizes performance Injection molding Composite –  Precise temperature control with water (up to 230 °C / 446 °F) and oil (up to 350 °C / 662 °F) – Flexible temperature control with water and oil –  Optimized productivity and process quality –  Temperature control solutions with multiple distributors and variothermal processes –  Customized cooling and heating capacity –  Best process control with optimized software and ramp program Extrusion Compounding – Powerful and accurate temperature control –  Powerful temperature control with water and oil – High heating, cooling and pump performance –  Customized cooling and heating capacity – Wide portfolio for all extrusion applications –  Enhancing quality and productivity

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Fortschrittliche Temperaturkontrolle für die Kunststoffindustrie.

Fortschrittliche Temperaturkontrolle für die Kunststoffindustrie.


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