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Auszug aus dem Katalog Beschleunigungsmesserbereich 4-20 mA und Spannung Ausgang

IAC RECOVIB® ROBUST ACCELEROMETERS INTRODUCTION The RECOVIB® accelerometers bridge the gap between the performance of laboratory accelerometers (which are often expensive, fragile and offer low protection) and the robustness of industrial accelerometers (which are sometimes cheaper but often noisy and inaccurate). Our accelerometers can be deployed in industrial environments for monitoring machinery or structures. The RECOVIB® accelerometers are of proven design and most of the models available are widely used in a variety of fields, such as the machine tools, precision machining and onshore and offshore wind energy sectors in monitoring or active vibration control applications. FIELD OF APPLICATIONS • • • • • Transport: Railways, Marine, Aeronautics Piping & pumps Machine tools Civil engineering Building vibration monitoring • • • • Paper/Printing machines Semiconductor industry Energy: Wind turbines (both onshore and offshore), power-plants Astronomy ADVANTAGES INTERNAL SIGNAL CONDITIONING The signals from the vibration sensor are amplified and conditioned by the accelerometer unit itself before being passed to the data acquisition system through a disturbed industrial medium. Our accelerometers are equipped either with a voltage output or a 4-20 mA current output. GALVANIC ISOLATION The RECOVIB® accelerometers offer galvanic isolation of the signal conductors. An additional isolation module is therefore not needed. Multiple sensors can be distributed in multiple locations and connected to the same acquisition system without signal degradation, even in environments with high ground potential differences due to heavy electrical loads operating in close proximity. LEVEL OF PROTECTION The RECOVIB® accelerometers are sealed to an ingress protection level of IP67. We can design and develop custom-made units using special protective materials (for example, 316L stainless steel for marine environments, special cabling for vacuum application). LOW FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT The RECOVIB® accelerometers operate down to DC allowing for the accurate measurement of low frequency signals. They are therefore also suitable for the monitoring of slow processes (such as monitoring the foundation movements of an offshore wind turbine etc.). TYPE OF SENSORS IAC : for most applications, general use, noise (< 50 g/Hz), IAC-MR : for applications requiring low noise (2 5 g/Hz) IAC-HiRes : for applications requiring very low noise (10 g/Hz) IAC-UHRS : for very high resolution (seismic - 2 g/√Hz) IAC-CM : for machine monitoring requiring a higher-bandwidth (up to 24kHz) IAC  Characteristics Type → General Use MR HiRes Seismic CM Can measure ultralow frequencies Highest Bandwidth Lowest Noise Floor/Highest Resolution Widest Measurement Range Ratio noise/price TYPE OF OUTPUTS • • • 4-20mA current loop for long cables and EMI immunity Unipolar Voltage Differential voltage for high-resolution sensors All sensors are available with Aluminum or Stainless-Steel (AISI316L) casing, in 1-axis, 2-axis (any combination) or 3-axis configurations.

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Beschleunigungsmesserbereich 4-20 mA und Spannung Ausgang

Beschleunigungsmesserbereich 4-20 mA und Spannung Ausgang


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